Hello, I'm Andreas Horvath.
web- and gamedeveloper

I am a passionate full-stack JavaScript engineer from Austria with expertise in Sails.js and real-time communication. Developing and maintaining schnapsen.online, I bring fresh perspectives, strong skills, and a dedication to delivering high-quality solutions.

You can check out some of my open source projects on GitHub.

One of my hobbies is electronics hacking, you can check out my work on my wordpress blog.

For a detailed overview of my skills and experience, please feel free to download my CV

Andreas Horvath


If you want to hire me to build your website, app or game or just want to say hi, feel free to get in touch with me!

mail@andreas-horvath.at +43 681 81872682
Hautpstraße 69, 7343 Neutal, Austria

Unternehmensgegenstand: Dienstleistungen der Informationstechnologien
WKO Mitgliedschaft: Wirtschaftskammer Burgenland, Sparte „Information und Consulting“